
Showing posts from September, 2021

Tips & Tricks for Shipping Smarter while Saving Time and Money

We are so excited to have you on board. You are on the best way to ship from China. The Internet makes it easier for more accurate research and understanding various options available to you and your business. The more you know, the better position you’re in to make the best possible decision. If you are reading this, we’re going to make the assumption that you are an intelligent importer. You like to plan, prepare and think ahead. You know preparation is the mother of opportunity and prevention is better than cure. You are looking for a close business partner. As an international forwarding agent, CFC is serving both exporters in China and importers around the world. We’ve been working together with most of our customers for years. We know their business. We know what they want. We give them special attention when they ask for help and anticipate issues before truly happen, though we have had a couple of problems over the years. Maybe we can’t always do everything they need, but we kn...